Monday, July 16, 2012

Time Lapse Part 2

A lapse in time indeed. Most of these plants came down months ago. It seems that the PlantCam does everything it said it would.  You only get six full resolution shots on the internal memory and no SD card is included, so anybody purchasing this should have a SD available to slot in.


The PlantCam came on an hour early and caught a flash of the Good Morning Far Red LED supplemental growlight.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Time Lapse Lion's Tail

I am a huge fan of Lion's Tail. I like the sturdy way it grows. I like the feel of its leaves. It attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.  I have tried for years to force flower it indoors and all I had to show for it were monstrous plants with no signs of flowers. Until now.

I think I have cracked the Lion's code and am set to document this first with another first... Time Lapse Photography. The shop was given a Plant Cam to try out and here we are, trying it out.

Every other day the Plant Cam takes a pic every six hours while the lights are on. Since it seems to be working I will install a memory card because I lose a few days of photos when I have to take it home to clear its feeble internal memory.

Here is the photo set from its first ten days vegetating in the tent.

I turned the lights to the flower cycle 2 weeks ago and the flowers are starting to show up. Woo Hoo.

I will update with more pics as we grow along.